Style frame showing concept sketch of ‘t Seizoenshoekje.

IceMobile and Club Leaf joined hands on a mission to reduce the carbon footprint of food-retailers in the Netherlands. In this team based project they came to us with the following question:

“How might we provide value for a commercial company to help consumers to make more sustainable choices, without disrupting their current behaviour?”.

My team and I where responsible for researching, concepting, storytelling and creating a solution that consisted of a digital prototype. In this I communicated tightly with my fellow team members while focusing on project management, concept creation, prototyping and testing.

Our solution “ ‘t Seizoenshoekje” provides users with sustainable and easily accessible options for their food choices.


To reduce the carbon footprint of food-retailers in the Netherlands.

For whom?

Food retailer Jumbo who is making effort towards becoming a more sustainable company. And for the students it caters to whom are dedicated to living a more environmentally conscious lifestyle.

My role

Project manager, UX researcher, concept creator, UX/UI designer & prototyper.

Overall process

• Kick-off

• Sessions with clients (To gather input from them: what wishes and needs do they have and do we need to incorporate the Club Leaf app?)

• Desk research (To gather information on the stakeholders)

• Determining a target group

• Field research (To gather insight into the target group)

• Creating a persona

• Developing a concept

• Sessions with experts (To determine our focus)

• Field research & co-creating (To gather more insights into the values and needs of the target group)

• Storytelling

• Prototyping

• Usability testing

• Presenting product towards IceMobile

I employed the 'crazy-8' method to generate a number of concepts with my team. This technique helped us quickly brainstorm and come up with creative ideas for the project. By the end of the session, we had a list of potential solutions and were able to pick the most feasible one for further development.

By applying this technique, we were able to streamline the design process and effectively communicate our ideas to experts. The method proved valuable in shaping the success of the project by providing a clear direction and focus.
Results of crazy-8 sketching session to create new concepts.
Results of crazy-8 sketching session to create new concepts.
I utilized co-create sessions with the target audience to gain valuable insights into their desired visual representation of the concept. By actively engaging with them and having them participate in the design process, I was able to gather important feedback and understand their perspectives on the project.

This approach proved to be highly effective as it allowed my team and I to make informed design decisions that aligned with the target audience's preferences and needs.

As a result, the final product was more user-centered and tailored to their expectations. These co-create sessions were an invaluable part of the design process. They played a crucial role in shaping the storytelling of the project and contributed to its success.
Images from the co-creation session with the target audience, showcasing their visualization of 't Seizoenshoekje.
Usability testing
To optimize the user experience for individuals with disabilities, I performed usability tests on the first iteration of our high-fidelity prototype. I enlisted participants with ADHD and long-sightedness to provide valuable feedback, which my colleague and I used to make changes to the prototype.

After re-testing the updated version with the same participants, we received positive feedback regarding the improvements made on visual design and  accessibility. However, it was evident that there was still room for further optimization in that last aspect. Ultimately, the results were encouraging and demonstrate the impact of user testing on the design process.
Conducting an usability test with participants who have long-sightedness.
My approach

Developing concept

Discover core values of target group

• Co-create several ideas for possible concepts

• Pick most feasible concept

• Create concept sketch

• Build prototype

• Usability test the prototype

• Work in sync with colleagues to ensure storytelling and prototype fit together and are consistent with our concept idea.

Presenting concept

• Prepare visual storytelling and prototype for exposition and presentation towards stakeholder and experts.

• Get feedback from stakeholder, experts and target group.

Final product

't Seizoenshoekje was designed to meet the specific needs and values of our target audience, who were found to be true life-enjoyers. We offered an easy way for them to maintain a sustainable lifestyle without disrupting their daily routines. The appealing presentation of seasonal products and the practical use of a screen contributed to a sense of coming home, attracting them to our concept.

The stakeholder, experts, and target group all gave positive feedback, praising our storytelling and finding the concept extremely useful and would love to see it come to life in their local Jumbo supermarket.

Presenting ‘t Seizoenshoekje to stakeholder Ice Mobile. Plus mockup showing representation of home- and recipe screen.
What did I do?

• Interviewing the target audience

• Create concepts

• Define concept

• Co-create with the target group

• Designing and prototyping the application

• Conduct usability tests

• Implement the feedback

• Present concept to stakeholder, experts and target group

What did I learn?

During the design process, I learned several important lessons that have shaped my approach to design. The most valuable one was the importance of conducting usability tests with people with disabilities. This ensures that all (or at least a lot more) user types within the target group are represented. This was especially important in our case since ‘t Seizoenshoekje needed to be usable by everyone who visits a Jumbo supermarket.

Another important aspect I learned was the significance of thoroughly researching the target group's core values and their vision on the look and feel of our concept. I can now see how this helps to create meaningful and accurate storytelling, but also allows you to design a concept that effectively addressed the problems faced by the target group.

By incorporating these lessons into my design process, I am now more aware that I need to be able to create products that are not only aesthetically pleasing, but also functional and accessible to all users. It is my belief that design should be inclusive and strive to solve real-world problems for all users, not just a select few.

In conclusion, the lessons learned during my design process have been invaluable and have greatly impacted my approach to design. I am eager to continue learning and growing as a designer and make a positive impact through my work.